What is Embodied Soul?What’s that one thing you dream about, that desire burning inside you that you just can’t express or create? What’s stopping you from living as the wild, free greatness you know is inside you? What blocks you from sharing your sacred gifts with the world?

It doesn’t matter what path we’re on: artist, parenting, entrepreneur or world changer.
It doesn’t matter what you’re seeking: freedom, love, meaning or peace.

What stops us all from believing in, listening to and reaching for our deepest urgings? What blinds us from seeing them for what they really are, the call, through the grace of our own experiences, to live as the revelation calling us to more?

Embodied Soul is here to help you get on the path to finally resolving that deep unsatisfied longing, that ache, that crying only you can hear.

When you have a longing like that, one that never really goes away, it’s a message from your soul. This is how the soul speaks to us.

If we don’t listen, the souls continues sending us messages (sometimes difficult ones), until we do.

Sometimes we turn a deaf ear or we try to bargain with the soul. It never works.

Trying to solve our ‘problems’ through the mind doesn’t get to the root.

We analyze, rationalize, therapize and hypnotize. We meditate, create vision boards and convince ourselves to stay positive but, that’s not enough. It doesn’t stop the gnawing inside.

Soul work does.

If you want to uncork that wild and pure genius inside: the poet, the healer, the great wise one that’s burning it up then you must face facts. There is really only one thing to do.

You must embody that part of the soul you have not.

You must embody the Divine.

What are you afraid of?

It can be terrifying to step out this big and bold. It’s not just fearing what people may say behind your back. That only restrains you for so long. It’s more about the flood of energy in your body. It’s too much. It feels dangerous.

Your body holds it all. It’s a repository for personal and collective past and present, trauma, memory, dreams and desires. It also holds the future. It’s an untapped resource of possibility. Going for it pings all of it.

Your soul made your body as the expression of the great healing of our time called Include and Transcend. This is how we bring possibility into reality. This is how we evolve.

Your soul doesn’t grow spaceous enough to hold your fears and insecurities and birth that creative spark that’s calling you to a bigger life. But it can.

Soul work is much more about the body than the mind.

Don’t get us wrong. Mind is wonderful but, a mind hijacked by the ego isn’t. It’s too clever at fooling us. The body, on the other hand, never lies.

The body is the great sensing organ of the soul.

You see soul in and with your body much more than with your mind.

You can see the soul through the eyes, hear it in the voice, feel it in the energy.

It’s when you feel the organismic, emotional Truth in your Body.

It’s movement. It’s energy.

It’s release. It’s healing.

Embodied Soul is a kind of yoga, a movement of body and soul, that expands us to invite spirit in and to live in new, exciting and creative ways.

It’s also energy work.

It is uncovered in natural, fluid movements, yoga, fascial integration, hands-on work, transmission, process, sacred dialogues, magic and ceremony.

The principle uniting all these modalities is embodiment.

We work in individual and group sessions, in person, online, in our church studio and in the majesty of nature.

Embodied Soul is a mystery school for you to fully land, in your crazy, holy wisdom.

It’s goal is to anchor you in a space of peace, self-knowing, Divine Love and inspired will.

It’s practically impossible to do it alone. 
In fact, we were never meant to do it alone!

That’s our mission. It’s why we’re here: to do this together, to build a gathering of people committed to living into the embodied presence of their souls.

Remember this:

The energy that created you is the energy that lives in you today.

It’s your magic.

Use it to spark your transformation, right down to your cells 
and weave your life into something wonderful.